Fotini Gouseti

Experiencing connecting issues“- CAPACETE Athens 2017

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Fotini Gouseti is a conceptual artist and PhD researcher in anthropology. She studied art at Athens School of Fine Arts (BA), Dutch Art Institute (MA) and she is currently a PhD candidate at the Dept. of History, Archaeology & Social Anthropology, University of Thessaly, Greece. Accordingly, her practice is research-based, socially-engaged and quite often called political. Her learningprocess derives out of her connection with others, while she focuses on the role of art in negotiating issues of memory.

She is the initiator of the art project Renkonto. For the past few years she has been engaged in the research projects The Present as a Result of the Past and The Least Wanted Travel the Most. The artistic outcomes of her projects are presented in various contexts worldwide.

Pêdra Costa



Pêdra Costa é performer e antropóloga visual. Atualmente estuda na Academia de Belas Artes de Viena e trabalha com artistas queer internacionalmente. Seu trabalho perpassa pela estética do pós-pornô e por uma investigação anti-colonial.
Na residência CAPACETE o foco de sua minha pesquisa é o Conhecimento Invisível, que tem desenvolvido experimentalmente, baseado em estratégias anti-coloniais, pedagogias do auto-cuidado e epistemologias não-cartesianas. Apresentará a performance “de_colon_isation”, que faz parte de sua pesquisa na Universidade de Belas Artes de Viena. Fará o lançamento inédito no Brasil do livro “Anti*Colonial Fantasies – Decolonial Strategies” e realizará o trabalho “Anti-análise”, onde atende cerca de 6 artistas (individualmente ou em grupo) por dia, numa sessão gratuita de 50 minutos cada, orientando sobre arte, teoria crítica e pedagogia.



Nikos Doulos

Experiencing connecting issues“- CAPACETE Athens 2017

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Nikos Doulos is a visual artist, curator, and co-director of Expodium in Utrecht (NL) – an ‘urban do tank’ that utilizes artistic means to address urban challenges and the ever-changing nature of cities.

Doulos interests lie with the investigation of pedagogical modes for inclusive knowledge production framed under site-specific research trajectories and temporal interventions. In his work, he creates malleable situations/conditions as participatory infrastructures and ‘soft’ knowledge generators. 

Walking holds a predominant part in his practice. 

He is the founder of NIGHTWALKERS – a participatory nocturnal walking project investigating the contemporary identity of the flanêur, performed in (among others) the Netherlands, Serbia, Sweden, Italy, Hungary, South Korea and Greece 

He has presented collaborative projects at the Trafó House of Contemporary Arts (Budapest), Bildmuseet (Umeå), participated at the Impakt Festival (Utrecht), the Athens Biennale: #4 AGORA and the 53rd October Salon and has lead workshops for UNIDEE – Cittadelartte Pistoletto Foundation and the University of the Arts, Uniarts Helsinki. In 2017 he participated at Capacete Athens – a nine-month residency in Athens under the broader framework of Documenta 14. 

Doulos is a co-curator of the Unmaking The Netherlands program initiated by Expodium and a co-editor of the Unmaking or How To Rethink Urban Narratives publication. 

Since 2016, he holds a position at the DAI ROAMING ACADEMY as the Senior Coordinator of Planetary Campus.


NIGHTWALKERS WERKSPOOR 2018: THE EXISTING, THE PROBABLE AND THE POSSIBLE. New monthly Nightwalkers sessions in Utrecht’s Werkspoorkwartier are announced on our facebook page!



Rodrigo Andreolli

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Carta a minha amiga:

“…Esta residência aqui gera um espaço de transição e reorganização interna, é uma continuidade do exercício da presença colaborativa e curiosa, experimentando estruturas de trabalho, de vida. Essa experiência também coloca em perspectiva minha trajetória, meu corpo, minhas práticas e torna palpável as reverberações que me trouxeram até aqui. Estou tentando aprender a direcionar minha atenção para olhar mais de perto quais questões me impulsionam a ação, que gestos eu coloco ou quero colocar no mundo e o que resulta desta interação. Tenho vontade de dançar, acho que quando danço alguma coisa acontece. Mas sinto que na maior parte das vezes essa coisa de criar peça/espetáculo mata a dança. Então como dançar e manter a dança viva nesse esquemão do mundo da arte? Talvez fora dele. Como fazer do corpo o instrumento de transformação do pensamento morto? Como manter-se vibrando os ecos de um campo de criação coletiva, comunicação que atravessa estruturas obsoletas, que traspassa tudo, que liga tudo? 



Ontem olhei a lua formando um caminho no mar e percebi a concretude desse coisa que é a lua. E como não dá pra viver neste mundo sem olhar pra ela, sem saber dela e sem sentir seu movimento, que influencia tudo aqui. Ela fica lá olhando pra gente o tempo todo e se aproxima e se distancia, tudo muda por conta desta relação. Tudo no mundo é assim. A lua é um destes elementos. Ficou forte pra mim também essa relação da lua, das divindades pagãs, das manifestações divinas no que é concreto. A luz da lua fazia o caminho prata-dourado na superfície da água e também penetrava as ondas pra além da minha visão criando curvas de luz no escuro-azul do mar. Essa mesma luz tocava a terra e o meu corpo numa linha que cortava  e ligava tudo ao mesmo tempo. E essa lua que baixava no horizonte, quase tocando o mar, naquele mesmo momento lançava seu corte sobre outras águas, terras e corpos. Pensei que aquela mesma luz que me tocava, toca também você aí. Deste lugar quero dançar.


[no mar Egeu, entre Hydra e Pireos, em 08/maio/2017]” 


Sol Prado

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“Algunas notas a propósito de los intentos de la izquierda cultural de crear zonas temporales autónomas no productivistas. (Z.T.A.P.)

Intuyo que no basta con cambiar algunas circunstancias, estructuras, paisajes, ni apelar a voluntarismos mágicos.

El neoliberalismo se ha encarnado en nuestros cuerpos, en nuestro inconsciente, en nuestros modos de vida.

Se nos ha vuelto deseable y ha teñido, incluso, las prácticas disidentes. 


Dejar de desearlo es un desafío más que complejo, que resuena como una buena pancarta, pero la receta para ejecutarlo se escapa entre los dedos.

“Dejar de desearlo” parece más un imperativo evangelista para dejar de tener sexo que un lei motiv de lobas emancipadas.

Quizá, la cuestión es desear alguna otra cosa o tener otros horizontes a la altura de los ojos.

El mercado del arte parece haberse sumido en una práctica cada día más zombie y precaria, donde lo queer y lo trans son nuevos nichos mercado, al igual que reduce a la disidencia en capital simbólico a acumular, como un ábaco de madera donde sumar puntos de visibilidad.

Cierto discurso del odio, grinchy, se ha vuelto moneda común en la política de acumular valor vía uso estratégico de la diferencia, donde la lucha política se roza con la idea de una identidad inmutable, cuasi purista, y le menea la cadera al pre-fascismo.

Sin producción no hay dinero, según la lógica del capital en la cual estamos inmersas.

Un tiempo de no productividad (es decir sin producción de dinero en la lógica del valor de mercado) y exploración de un sitio específico, deviene un tiempo de privilegio.

Sin embargo, estos espacios temporales autónomos no suelen ausentarse de la lógica de competencia friendly que se sostiene a base de recursos económicos transatlánticos difusos (R.E.T.D.).

Llegar a un sitio desconocido pareciera componer esa utopía idealizante de igualarnos por medio de la ignorancia compartida sobre el lugar a explorar.

Como si esto nos pusiera en igualdad de condiciones para llegar al supuesto

no-objetivo del tiempo no-productivista.

Una conjunción de no-esto y no-lo otro, una conjunción inverosímil, donde reina en la confusión quién más exótica es, deviniendo quién más hashtagueada es.

Un gran hermano capacitista de recursos sociales, risas, buen nivel inglés y opiniones sobre todo tipo, clase, temática que la conversación entre burbujas de cerveza solicite.” 


Eliana Otta

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Eliana Otta es una artista multidisciplinaria. A través del dibujo, escritura, video, instalaciones y proyectos participativos, ella asocia detalles simples de la vida cotidiana que pueden hablar de procesos complejos en contextos específicos, indagando cómo las subjetividades dan forma al espacio público al relacionar lo personal con lo político, así como recuerdos individuales y compartidos a preguntas sobre el presente y nuestros posibles deseos colectivos para el futuro. La desigualdad económica, el trabajo precario, la violencia de género y nuestra relación con la naturaleza en los sistemas extractivistas neoliberales son algunos de sus principales temas de interés.


 “Creo que vinimos a Atenas personas que coincidimos en estar en un momento de nuestras vidas en que no tenemos muy claro dónde ni cómo vivirlas. Aquí hemos pensado al respecto, pues al cuestionar lo macro y lo micro, nos hemos mirado con atención. Compartimos certezas sobre lo que no queremos, ciertas intuiciones sobre lo que deseamos y algunas palabras comunes para verbalizarlo. Compartimos más claramente el lenguaje del baile, el del beso y del abrazo, el de la comida entre risas y el brindis polígloto.

Un día le dije a Helmut que me parecía que lo que más teníamos en común los seleccionados para esta experiencia era la ternura. Afinando la idea, quizá es que cada uno está buscando cómo defender las vulnerabilidades y la intensidad de los afectos en los contextos tan violentos, agresivos e injustos en los que nos movemos, buscando otros lugares a donde pertenecer o cómo hacer que aquellos a los que pertenecemos nos permitan ser. Luego de este año, una nueva certeza es que ahora tengo más cómplices para continuar con ese intento.”


Camilla Rocha Campos

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Artista, pesquisadora, ativista micro-política e auto-revolucionária. Como artista transita no campo de uma arte colaborativa na qual o público é convidado a participar de situações performáticas relacionando seu corpo à contextos poéticos carregados de um tipo de humor e crítica. Em janeiro de 2017 ao integrar o Programa Internacional de residência artística AiR Q21 no Museum Quartier em Viena, Áustria, ministrou o workshop “Silent images shout body policies” no espaço de arte Raum_D do Museum Quartier.

É atualmente diretora da residência artística internacional CAPACETE no Rio de Janeiro onde também par- ticipou do programa como artista em 2016, quando realizou em parceira com a artista e também residente Thora Dolven Balke a pesquisa aberta “Respira Conspira”.

Oliver Bulas

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Oliver Bulas studied biology before he became an art student at the Hochschule für bildende Künste in Hamburg, Germany (2005-2012) and at SFAI in San Francisco, US. He creates ‘constructed situations, in which the visitor immerses. He uses performance and he works in public space. Bulas is wondering if the public space is a place where differences clash and are negotiated. A place where maybe a short flash of social space can incidentally shine up as a utopian moment. He was a postgraduate researcher at Jan Van Eyck Academie, Maastricht, NL. Solo exhibitions (selection): PARSE, New Orleans, US (2016), M.1 Arthur Boskamp Stiftung Hohenlockstedt, GER (2013); [MAKNETE] (Galerie für Landschaftskunst), Hamburg, GER (2012); Halle für Kunst Lüneburg, GER (2012), Kunstverein in Hamburg, GER (2008). Group exhibitions (selection): CAC, Vilnius, LIT (2017), Despina, Rio de Janeiro,BRA (2017), Y Gallery, New York, US (2015), Kunsthaus Hamburg, Hamburg, GER (2013); basis Frankfurt e.V., Frankfurt, GER (2013); Swell Gallery, San Francisco, US (2011); Yvon Lambert Gallery, New York, US (2007); Musée d’Art Moderne, Paris, FR (2003). Currently he is studying computer sciences in Berlin. 


Jeitinho Brasileiro and the corrosion of bourgeois society
Something disturbing happened to Brazilian society. The social contract has been terminated a long time ago and in present times the dwellers of the city of Rio de Janeiro live in ruins, not only physically but also by means of psychosocial conditions. Brazil is a rich country. But inhabitants are forced combating each other over withhold resources in a karstified social landscape, in which regard corroded ever long since and an invisible majority is fighting for sheer survival. The ostensible beauty and the rehearsed cordiality are common features of the place. They are empty shells dating back to times long gone or they are effortful aspirations to the quality of a postcard image hold up by military brutality. If, however, one encounters them in factuality, one finds them marking a line. By inclusion this boundary excludes without speaking all the more ruthlessly those who find themselves on the other side of the fence.
In this society that deteriorated to become a mediatized spectacle arena, the boundless egoism of the individual (or: of the family interest) rules. ‚Compassion‘, for which some spoke up for, has little meaning here for others.
In this perspective, the „Jeitinho Brasileiro“ seems like the logical consequence, as an ultimate expression of the unsatisfiable appetite of entrepreneurial subjectivity, which finds itself thrown into a constant war with other egos. In the course of this state of war, many agreements and standards have been undermined. It became decisive who is the most cunning to appropriate a situation, who is most calculating at deceiving the other and who can undermine most effectively the remains of certain rules and conventions.
The “Jeitinho Brasileiro” is not a heroic practice of subversion performed by individuals from inferior classes of society (though it can be the case), but it is the norm of an extensive mobilization in a war of each against each. And what is the modus operandi of bourgeois society? The fact that the entire individual, with all his abilities, his emotionality, his spontaneity and his body, must fully commit himself (must throw himself on the market?) ends not only in the unleashing of creativity and social competence. It is much more the case that the individual, with every fiber of his existence, is forced to plunge into the turmoil of war, making himself a tool of survival to such extent that he suffers the loss of his intrinsic, purposeless self.
This is not to say that Brazilian people are absolutely deprived of autonomous individuality or free will. It is rather that the same loss is observed in all societies across the globe, only the shapes this loss takes are different in each place, depending on historical and economic conditions.
Was it the colonial rulers, as introducers and alleged representatives of bourgeois society, who, by conquest, slavery and exploitation, were the first to break any social contract of respect and give economic and political expression to the double standards of bourgeois existence?
And who would claim that it is the Brazilian’s own fault? While importing commodities and labor that would enhance their life, the colonial masters exported in exchange their unsolved contradictions. This way, they managed to appease their own populations (“Look how living standards went up for everyone!” with a specific idea who that „everyone“ is) and without providing any idea how to come closer to solutions against the devastations our societies cause. This necessarily included a concealing of peripheral locations and with them the economic relations. Until this day, the colonial powers work hard to sustain this unequal trade. Meanwhile, colonialism successfully spread bourgeois concepts of subjectivity to cover the surface of the planet, not leaving a blank spot.
Jeitinho Brasileiro is an attitude that seems to emblematize the entrepreneurial subject and its readiness to perceive and snatch any opportunity that opens up to him. In this perspective, the world consists of a collection of opportunities. “The apples are in the trees. You only have to go and grab them.” Even if this view is partly imposed by severe poverty, it also poses an avant-garde to neoliberal flexibilization and the enforced technologies of the self. The pressure to perform is at the core of every „Gambiarra“ (kludge), with “performance” only occasionally having the meaning of a cultural form “that resists dominant norms of social control” (Jon McKenzie in “Perform or Else, 2001), but rather the other meaning of “organizational performance” linked to “efficiencies”. This double meaning of the term “performance” shows remarkable parallels with the double standards of bourgeois subjectivity.
The weathered facades of the 19th-century townhouses in downtown Rio de Janeiro provide a suitable stage for an avant-garde in self-dismantling of bourgeois society. 


Oliver Bulas

Oliver Bulas studied biology before he became an art student at the Hochschule für bildende Künste in Hamburg, Germany (2005-2012) and at SFAI in San Francisco, US. He creates ‘constructed situations, in which the visitor immerses. He uses performance and he works in public space. Bulas is wondering if the public space is a place where differences clash and are negotiated. A place where maybe a short flash of social space can incidentally shine up as a utopian moment. He was a postgraduate researcher at Jan Van Eyck Academie, Maastricht, NL. Solo exhibitions (selection): PARSE, New Orleans, US (2016), M.1 Arthur Boskamp Stiftung Hohenlockstedt, GER (2013); [MAKNETE] (Galerie für Landschaftskunst), Hamburg, GER (2012); Halle für Kunst Lüneburg, GER (2012), Kunstverein in Hamburg, GER (2008). Group exhibitions (selection): CAC, Vilnius, LIT (2017), Despina, Rio de Janeiro,BRA (2017), Y Gallery, New York, US (2015), Kunsthaus Hamburg, Hamburg, GER (2013); basis Frankfurt e.V., Frankfurt, GER (2013); Swell Gallery, San Francisco, US (2011); Yvon Lambert Gallery, New York, US (2007); Musée d’Art Moderne, Paris, FR (2003). Currently he is studying computer sciences in Berlin.

Lucas Sargentelli

“Demorei alguns anos, depois de ser ‘alfabetizado’, para realizar que escrevia a palavra ‘derrepente’ junto e não separado (‘de repente’). Não faz muito tempo, percebi que escrevia a palavra ‘agente’ junto e não separado (‘a gente’). A constatação desses usos errados da língua não sai mais de mim. E o sentido dessas palavras, a cada vez que vou usá-las, desliza entre os possíveis de sua significação. Geralmente vem com prazer usar essas palavras, um prazer subterrâneo, que me lembra que estou escrevendo elas com uma potência outra, uma atenção e invenção que sinto intima. Desde 2011, na urgência e no grupo, venho experimentando com o Capacete.”

Yael Davids

Yael Davids é uma artista nascida em Israel que vive e trabalha em Amsterdã. Ela estudou Belas Artes na Academia Gerrit Rietveld, Escultura no Instituto Pratt, Nova York e Coreografia e Pedagogia da Dança na Academia Remscheid. Seus trabalhos são predominantemente baseados em performance, às vezes envolvendo-se como executante em outros momentos trabalhando com grupos.

Trine Mee Sook Gleerup

Trine Mee Sook is a visual artist working within installation, text and performance. Deeply invested in historical, national and political tendencies her artistic performance-based methodology also questions the politics and history of performance art itself. From a post-colonial and gender-related perspective her work is debating cultural and racial stereo-typing and representation, as well as it strives to (re)negotiate overall power structures, and identity building.

“My heart and body remembers my time at Capacete with beats of joy. And my mind does not disagree on bit! Capacete was the perfect hub for contemplation, exploration, and important encounters with lots of great and dear artists & researchers traveling through. I was so lucky to experience the residency in both Sao Paulo and Rio, and I wish Capacete the best of luck with future adventures. Special thanks to: Tamar Guimarres, Rafael RG, Denise Milfort & Helmut Bartista.”