In this conversation, Denise Ferreira da Silva and Camilla Rocha Campos discuss issues raised
in the movie Serpente Rain (Arjuna Neuman and Denise Ferreira da Silva, 2016).
Although these themes aim to expand on various propositions presented in the film,
Denise and Camilla will attempt to expand the elaboration of the questioning of temporality and
the ethical and aesthetic openings suggested by the elementarities, that is, an image of the world
in which transformation is contemplated as an infinite movement of re / de / composition.
Dr. Denise Ferreira da Silva’s academic writings and artistic practice address the ethical questions
of the global present and target the metaphysical and ontoepistemological dimensions of modern thought.
She is a Professor and Director of The Social Justice Institute (GRSJ) at the University of British
Columbia, Adjunct Professor of Fine Arts, at Monash University (Melbourne, Australia),
and Visiting Professor of Law, at Birkbeck University of London. She is the author of Toward a
Global Idea of Race and co-editor of Race, Empire, and The Crisis of the Subprime
(with Paula Chakravartty) . Her art-related work includes texts for publications linked to the
2016 Liverpool and and Sao Paulo Biennales, Venice 2017, and Documenta 14, as well as collaborations
such as the play Return of the Vanishing Peasant, with Ros Martin, the films Serpent Rain (2016)
and 4Waters-Deep Implicancy (2018), with Arjuna Neuman; and events (performances, talks, and private
sessions) and texts related Poethical Readings and the Sensing Salon, with Valentina Desideri.
Camilla Rocha Campos - Artist, teacher, researcher, writer and self-revolutionary.
Her artistic practice is collaborative, built through the contribution of people in contexts
full of emotion and criticism. In this relational field Camilla proposes art and non-art experiences.
She participates in seminars, talks and projects in Brazil and other countries, building and sharing
aesthetic / artistic processes from non-hegemonic logics. In 2016, she was a resident artist at the
CAPACETE International Program, in Rio de Janeiro, where since 2017 she has been the director.
She holds a master's degree in Art Theory and Criticism from the UERJ Arts Institute. She is currently
teacher at Parque Lage Art School and at Maré Art School.