Daniel Sepúlveda

Lenguajes de la Indigestión: Dos espíritus, linografía sobre papel estampado a cuerpo, 21 x 29,5 cm., Duen Sacchi, 2019.

Daniel is a researcher and educator whose toolbox arises from the anthropology, discipline that s/he studied in Centro Universitario del Norte de la Universidad de Guadalajara.S/he currently directs the independent circle of permanent studies Menos Foucault y más Shakira, in Mexico City and imparts the seminar Pedagogías Caníbales. Her/is educational commitment is located from the decolonization of knowledge, cultural products and anti-racism.As independent investigator, her/is work includes the coordination of two laboratories: Presente Inminente; Urban Architecture and Antropholy, with Mariana Medrano and La [tecno]Guerra en Curso. S/he collaborates in independent spaces as Cuerpos Parlantes (Guadalajara, México) and Casa Gomorra (Ciudad de México), in addition to be part of the team of Anormal Festival, festival of post-pornography, feminisms, bodies and dissident sexualities.

Hospice of Utopian Residences is a space whose itinerant capacity allows its unfolding 
collaboratively depending on the conditions of the physical space that hosts the project. 
On this occasion he supports the Bi-national Indigestion Languages ​​research and action project: 
Contrapedagogies and Visual Resistance Laboratory whose main research space is the hegemonic 
imaginary generated by political, aesthetic, visual and ethical hegemonies.